Contents 03 Executive summary 19 4. Greater regulation is a priority and should 06 AI in Switzerland: be jointly enacted by the government and Where we are today the private sector. More than half of Swiss organizations still have no clear policy on AI 07 1. AI is already widely adopted in Switzerland, 21 Regulators must act swiftly and decisively despite concerns about its risks 09 Is there a ‘trust gap’ on AI in Switzerland? 21 Meanwhile, organizations must not wait to create their own guidelines 10 2. Swiss professionals foresee clear 22 Generative AI in Switzerland: opportunities and bene昀椀ts, but remain wary Where we want to be tomorrow of risks to privacy, over-reliance, and data manipulation 24 Recommendations for Swiss policymakers 10 How do we navigate risks to harness 24 Recommendations for Swiss providers of opportunities? continuing education 15 3. AI will reshape the jobs and roles of the future 25 Recommendations for Swiss organizations –as such, there will be a massive need to upskill 26 About the authors Swiss workers in the next 3-5 years 19 GenAI-enabled continuing education for a 27 Endnotes GenAI-enabled future? Proceed with caution